by Marketing ROC

The Milwaukee Milkmen played one of the best games of the season in defeating the Division Leaders by a score of 3-0. Angel Ventura led the way on the mound by throwing a strong seven (7) innings for the Milkmen. Ventura’s pitch count for his seven innings was 67, which is outstanding. The norm would be 12-15 pitches per inning. Zach Hartman and Jake Joyce threw perfect innings to secure the victory for the Milkmen.

Although the offense was limited to five (5) hits, they maximized them! The Milkmen were holding a very slim 1-0 lead through the first six innings, however, in the seventh, after a single by Dan Ward, Jose Rosario blasted a pitch over the left field wall for a 3-0 lead, which held up the rest of the way.

The pitching staff was the recipients of some outstanding defensive plays by the Milkmen. Sam Dexter made a couple of outstanding plays at shortstop, and made a great play in starting a double play in the fourth inning.

The Milkmen are on a three game winning streak, which started in Cleburne. Fans should plan on attending the three game series at Routine Field with Gary on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Come out and support the Milkmen and enjoy some fun and exciting baseball!