by Alison Graettinger

The Milkmen took a page out of the Rail Cat’s book and used outstanding pitching and timely hitting to defeat Gary in the final game of the three game series.  Each team had one victory in the series, so the Milkmen won the series and travels home for a nine (9) game homestand. 

The outstanding pitching was provided by Joey Wagman who went 5.2 innings and gave up two runs in the first inning and shut the Rail Cats out the rest of the way.  At one time, Wagman, a member of the Israeli National Team, retired fourteen (14) members of the Rail Cats offense.  Newcomer, Manny Corpas relieved Wagman in the sixth inning and went 1 1/3 innings for the voctory.  Carlos Diaz and Myles Smith pitched scoreless innings in the 8th and 9th to nail down the victory.  Smith struck out two of the Rail Cats to finish the game. 

The offense banged out nine (9) hits and was led by Adam Walker’s 21st Home Run of the season.  Others contributing in the victory were Dan Ward who went 3-4; Derek Reddy who went 2-4 and continues to “ignite” the offense;  Glen McClain got two hits for the Milkmen.  There were two defensive gems which helped the team come out on top:  A timely double play from Dexter to Copeland to McClain and an outstanding play on an errant throw to force a runner at home by Manny Boscan. 

The opponents for the Milkmen, the Chicago Dogs, are traveling from Winnipeg to Milwaukee for a three game series starting on Sunday at 6:10.  Make it a point to come out and enjoy the fun at Routine Field.